
EMERGING COLORS IN SCIENCE: Transdisciplinary essays

Transdisciplinary Essays is a collection that provides foundations for the fundamental critique of Stephen Hawking's theory. Contrary to what he proposes, that science is coming to an end, this book maintains that we are just at its dawn.
Some sections of the collection are easy to read and understand; others are difficult; all are essencial, interesting and important to appreciate the “emerging colors of science”: Turquoise. Roger Penrose, refuses to accept that the human mind is not susceptible to scientific analysis. And, among other things, he shows that mathematics, important as it is for science, does not contain all that is necessary for that purpose; so he proposes a search for additional concepts and methods. Golden. Roger Jones explains that matter is not all there is in the universe or the world. In addition, he recognizes that science can know and control –or has been able to know and control– only a minuscular component of reality. And physicists must recognize that they are human beings, working for other human beings. Humanity is the source and end of all knowlegde in general and science in particular. Emerald. Peter Gärdenfors and Frank Zenker hold that dimensions are the axes of scientific theory. Scientists explain phenomena by describing the relations between them, adding, changing and substracting them, according to their needs. Relucent. Róger Churnside suggests how the social organization of particle experiments can affect their processes and outcomes, influencing the substance and form of quantum theory. Purple. Stephen Barr, examines relations between science (particularly physics ) and religion (mainly of the Jewish and Christian traditions), based on which he presents a brief forceful rebuttal of Hawking’s and Mlodinow’s ideas in THE GRAND DESIGN. None of those writers try to give readers a final word on science, much less on philosophy. As Ilya Prigogine told us, the first is merely at the dawn of its development; and the second is “alive and kicking”, as much or more than at its birth over two thousand five hundred years ago.

Autor: Roger Churnside Harrison

Editorial: Universidad de Costa Rica